• Dental School Professional Programs

Research at Detroit Mercy Dental

Student Research

Research and scholarly activity are vital components of the Detroit Mercy Dental mission. Throughout curriculum and coursework, students are introduced to aspects of the research method and gain skills in evidence-based decision making. Faculty and students engage in multiple disciplines including educational, material, retrospective health records, basic biomedical and clinical research.

Our students have chaired oral presentation sessions at research meetings, received national competitive travel awards, nationally competitive research fellowships, and authored publications in peer-reviewed dental journals.

We are committed to developing the future of oral healthcare. To advance scholarly activity and innovation, we continue to make meaningful investments in infrastructure, laboratory space, leading edge technology and equipment, and faculty support.

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    Research Program

    Our student research program matches students with a faculty mentor who will help to guide the research process. Together, they work to formulate a hypothesis, prepare a research proposal, gain Institutional Review Board approval if necessary, and complete a project.

    Students and faculty mentors are provided with funds, equipment, and space to perform research. The goal is for students to present projects at annual sessions of dental professional organizations and specialty meetings. Our students continue to be successful in pursuing scholarly activity, and have presented poster and oral presentations at local, state, national and international levels.


    Student Research Day

    The annual Student Research Day celebrates the exceptional efforts of the research program and provides students, residents, and faculty with an opportunity to present their scholarly achievements to the Detroit Mercy Dental community. The event is organized by the members of the Student Research Group.

    For more information, please contact Assistant Professor, Joshua Thomson at thomsojo@udmercy.edu