Orthodontics Curriculum

The primary purpose of this program is to prepare the dentist for the clinical practice of orthodontics while providing insight into the scientific basis of orthodontics. It is designed to cover two calendar years, which includes six terms, two of them being summer sessions. It will begin last week of June to June 30th two years later. The program combines a basic science foundation with clinical and psychological training relevant to treatment.

Special instructions are given in functional rehabilitation for adult and juvenile dentition, diagnosis, treatment planning and associated appliance therapy. Emphasis will be placed upon the function of the neuromuscular system and the temporomandibular joint as affected by the teeth and facial pattern. Special opportunity is provided to work with cleft lip and palate patients as well as individuals exhibiting other facial anomalies.

The major portion of the course material in orthodontics is presented by lecture, seminar and conference instruction. Clinical lectures and seminars are supplemented and emphasized by correction of malocclusions in the Orthodontic Clinic. The principal appliance mechanism used in the clinic is the edgewise appliance. Guest lectures are presented throughout the first and second years to acquaint the student with other areas of research and therapy related to orthodontics. Research by the graduate will permit the investigation of problems in almost any area of student interest.

The Degree of Master of Science will be granted by Detroit Mercy upon the satisfactory completion of all requirements, which include a minimum of 46 credit hours, the satisfactory defense of the student's research results, and the completion of the research paper. An optional Degree of Master of Science will be granted by Detroit Mercy upon the satisfactory completion of all requirements, which include a minimum of 46 credit hours, the satisfactory defense of the student's research results, and the completion of the research paper.

Required Courses Include:

Orthodontic Technique
Cranio-Facial Growth and Development
Cranio-Facial Anatomy
Orthodontic Clinic and Seminar
Early Treatment Clinic & Seminar
Oral Physiology
Research Project
Dento-Facial Abnormalities
Principles of Occlusion and TMJ Therapy
Physiology & Pharmaco-therapeutics
Microbiology and Asepsis
Cleft Lip and Palate
Communication Disorders
Psychological Development
Research Methodology and Biostatistics
Cranio-Facial Pathology and Genetics
Literature Analysis
Public Health Aspects of Orthodontics
Practice Management
Ethics and Jurisprudence
Sleep Dental Medicine

For course descriptions, click here.