Practice for Sale/Lease - Wixom, MI

Name of Organization: Peak Practice Transitions

Type of Opportunity: Practice for Sale/Lease
Type of Specialist: General/Pediatric

City, State: Wixom, MI
Country: United States

Hours: Part-Time

Description of Opportunity: West Michigan – Pediatric focused, part-time practice, in a lovely small town 30 minutes from Grand Rapids. The doctor currently works 10 days per month, hygiene 15 days per month, with 2023 revenue over $750,000 and a high net. There is a regular influx of new patients. The hygiene revenues comprise 40% of revenue and will pay the debt service on this opportunity. The building and neighboring lot are available for sale by the doctor/owner. Contact Phil Stark; Peak Practice Transitions 888.477.7325 or

Name of Contact: Phil Stark
Phone: 888-477-7325